Entries can be written in Markdown with the following additions.


Add a dot in front of the name of a speaker. Additional information can be added in parenthesis:

.Doctor: I'm sorry but you suffer from a terminal illness and have only 10 to live.
.Patient (concerned): What do you mean, 10? 10 what? Months? Weeks?!
.Doctor: Nine.

To put multiple lines into one bubble, indent them with two spaces:

.Me: Could you have a look at this:
  12*x = 24
.Jannet: That's easy.

Speakers denoted with me, ich, moi, yo, , … will be shown on the right side. (Create an issue if your language is not yet supported.)


To separate dreams from real events, put them between cloudy separators:

Once upon a time, there was a tavern…


Any file in the same directory can be included by stating the filename with a leading slash, using the iA Writer content block syntax:

/2010-02-02 - 16-05-03.jpg
/2010-02-02 - 16-05-07.mp4

/2010-02-02 - 16-06-12.pdf

Separate media by an empty line to create a new gallery element.


Support information that should not be rendered can be put after three slashes:

You'll see me rendered.

I'm hidden.

And everything until the end of the file is too.